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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Green Dragon Hates War

I am posting this clip off of Youtube.

What The USA Army Doesn't Want You To See (Watch At Own Risk, 

Disturbing Footage)

 It is very disturbing and please if you start watching it and it bothers you then shut it off. But always remember, just because you cannot see, hear or touch something does not mean it does not exist (an argument for the existence of the Demon God of the Dominionists this is not). I just mean that closing our eyes, covering our ears and humming a tune will not stop the insane mad men who are destroying our Mother Earth, The Green Dragon and its inhabitants with such horrible weaponry as depleted uranium (By the way Tony Blair and George Dumbya Bush you are both WAR PSYCOPATHS). So watch it from front to back, prove to yourself that you will face evil with out fear and speak up to all you know that War is a Racket, as Major General Smedely Butler wrote in his short novel of that name.

Read War is a Racket here.

I wonder how many people are invested in the War Racket without even knowing it. Say through a pension or mutual fund? Probably a lot.

Pope Terencio

Peace be Upon the Green Dragon


  1. I've heard this before

  2. Hey that is so cool. Thanks Revgms. I have never seen this before and now it is one of my favorite speech's.

    One of my favorite countries is Uruguay. Their motto is Liberdad or Muerte it is in their constitution. Weed is decriminalized, University tuition is free, every one has healthcare, it is a Secular Republic built on the ideals mentioned in this speech. They had a CIA created government in the 80's and every year they have a national holiday called, "never again day". I am moving there in 6 months from Canada because I believe it is a far more Free society to raise our four kids in. The country is very Green Dragon friendly. HA HA.

